7 Feb 2012

How will I Get credit when unemployed?

A credit application is related to the production of receipts and resources, which for the bank is collateral. What about an unemployed person, private pay?

Getting credit when you're unemployed is not so easy when you can provide pay slips to the lending institution. However, a job seeker can still be granting a credit, and it's easier still if the spouse is employed. Better yet is able to prove that the spouse is employed for an indefinite period and that its revenues allow a comfortable repayment capacity.

When an unemployed person applying for a credit, his past profession can help to get a loan: indeed, despite an unemployment situation, the stability gives confidence to the lender. However, a resume of numbers punctuated periods of inactivity or a succession of temporary or seasonal contracts will not play in favor of the borrower. A precarious situation would at most get a quick credit repayable in the short term, but certainly not a big loan like a credit auto, motorcycle, let alone a mortgage.

To avoid being faced with a refusal in a credit application, it is better - whenever possible - anticipate. This anticipation is to establish a small capital which will, in time, to serve as a personal contribution. A person in unemployment has more opportunities to obtain credit if it has a contribution. This is very likely to reassure the banker. But again, the credit will be granted in proportion to the personal contribution.

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